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Midlife Career Change Options (And How to Choose The One That is Right for You)

Updated: Jan 11

Depending on where you're at in your career journey, you either have a boss (or you're the big cheese yourself) and a bunch of colleagues, also known as your coworkers.

Recent research suggests that more adults are dreaming of switching gears in their careers than sticking to the status quo. If you're one of the dreamers, I say, go for it, but let's not dive headfirst into the same ol' pool twice.

You see, some folks start feeling the corporate itch by the time they hit the big 5-0, regardless of their position. But you know what? The world is your oyster, my friend!

a neon sign with 'change' written

Some of the possible career change options choices to consider:

Ride the Waves at Your Current Gig

Option one, stick with your current job, but add a pinch of hope that things will change for the better. It's all about working smarter, not harder, right?

Seek New Horizons

Option two, be a stealthy explorer. Look for something fresh, whether it's within your current company or in a brand-new one. Just remember, don't make it too obvious that you're on the hunt for your next big adventure.

Take a Sabbatical and Let Loose

Option three, put on your explorer's hat, and embark on a sabbatical. Travel to those places you've always dreamed of (if the piggy bank allows).

Chase That Dream Job

And finally, option four, the holy grail of career choices – find that dream job where they pay you to jet-set to those places you've always wanted to visit.

Remember, the choices are limitless, and this is your chance to redefine your career path. So, fellow adventurers, which path are you leaning towards? Share your thoughts and tales of workplace escapades in the comments below!


Check out the below links for further inspiration:


Vote, which career choice would you choose for yourself?

What would be your career choice?

  • 0%Ride the Waves at Your Current Gig

  • 0%Seek New Horizons

  • 0%Take a Sabbatical and Let Loose

  • 0%Chase That Dream Job

Get that Dream Job!



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